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A standard Dutch workweek consists of 36, 38, or 40 hours. We commonly work five days a week, seven to eight hours a day. Lunch breaks are usually 30 to 60 minutes (and unpaid, bummer), in which we like to go outside for a walk and a chat with colleagues – yes, walking equals talking!

Although Dutch people are anything but lazy and most of them like to work, we’re steadily shifting towards ‘a healthy working life’. With that, we value a good balance between private- and working life, and clear boundaries are preferred. Meaning laptops are not opened anymore after 6 PM and the weekend remains yours alone: private time to relax and recharge in which the boss is not in the picture. When emailing your colleagues during weekends, you’ll often get a reply by Monday – at the soonest. 

The Netherlands is a safe, clean, and pleasant country. And, what makes it an even special place to work in is the great work-life balance that it is known for. The Netherlands is known to have a relaxed, fun atmosphere and promises a safe and pleasant experience for everyone.