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Settling into a new job is always a little nerve wracking, especially so when you are a family of expats and the new job is in a new country. The etiquette of work in Malta varies from company to company just as they do back home. But overall, the work culture tends to be very similar .The average working day is nine hours starting at 08-30 and finishing at 17-30. Just as in the UK, being prepared to work on when required is always appreciated. Similarly, while most companies expect you to use your own initiative as the project dictates, being a team player is considered a must for the harmonious running of the business. There tend to be few set-in-stone regulations within the workplace other than each member of staff has a clearly defined role. The sharing of information between staff members inclines toward direct, but in a polite fashion .Unless of an urgent nature, business meetings are usually arranged with plenty of notice, often two or three weeks before the due date, with a reminder email or text a couple of days before the meeting.